This year’s changes in the real estate world will affect tenants, landlords and industry professionals alike.
There are a number of changes in store for the real estate industry in 2022. The real estate platform Immowelt has collected the changes that will affect tenants, owners and professionals. The following is a summary of these new developments.
These changes have already been in effect since January 1:
Since the beginning of the year, the successful KfW subsidy 55 was discontinued. As Immowelt explains, many construction companies and private builders were able to make use of the subsidy and save up to 26,250 euros. In the meantime, this standard is said to have become established. In the course of the KfW subsidy 40, new buildings can still be renovated.
In addition, the CO2 tax was increased at the beginning of the year. This will make heating more expensive for tenants. While one ton of CO2 still cost 25 euros in 2021, the price for the same amount is now 30 euros. By 2025, the price is set to rise further to 55 euros. From June 1, 2022, the traffic light government wants to introduce a tiered model for sharing the CO2 price between landlords and tenants according to building energy classes. If this does not succeed, the costs are to be shared equally from this point on.
Also at the beginning of the year, the housing allowance was adjusted to reflect current rent and income trends. After deduction of housing costs, income thus retains the same purchasing power as after the housing allowance reform two years ago. Housing benefit will thus increase by around 13 euros per month for existing recipients. A total of around 640,000 households are expected to benefit from the housing benefit increase in 2022.
From 2025, a new property tax value is to replace the outdated standard value as part of a property tax reform. This will require all properties to be revalued. To do this, the tax office will determine the value of a property on January 1, 2022. This value then serves as a guide for the future property tax.
Solar roof obligation
From May 2022, newly built residential buildings in Baden-Württemberg must be equipped with a solar system. From 2023, buildings are also to be fitted with a photovoltaic system as part of a roof renovation. The goal is for Baden-Württemberg to become climate-neutral by 2040. In Berlin, the same is to apply from 2023. Whether this development will also prevail nationwide is not yet foreseeable. Lower Saxony and Bavaria have so far introduced the solar obligation for commercial properties, but have not yet included private buildings in the updated building code.
What will change for tenants and landlords
Beginning May 15, 2022, the 2022 Census Act and the separate Building and Housing Census (GWZ) will require approximately 17.5 million residential property owners and managers to provide information about certain details of the homes they rent. The obligation to provide information also includes details of the first and last names of up to two occupants. This is intended to enable the statistical generation of households.
In addition, a new heating cost regulation came into force on January 1, 2022, requiring landlords to provide their tenants with monthly information on their energy consumption for heating and hot water if remotely readable meters are available. By 2026, it will then be possible to read all devices remotely. How the information is transmitted to the tenant is up to the landlord – whether by app, email or by post. The only important thing is that all cost factors and comparisons with the previous month, the same month of the previous year and average consumption are provided.
The new rent index will also come into force on July 1, 2022. This is used to determine a local comparative rent with the help of certain criteria. One of the new requirements is that cities with a population of 50,000 or more must draw up a rent index by January 1, 2023 at the latest, which both tenants and landlords can use as a guide. The new rent index is also subject to an obligation to provide information. Randomly selected tenants and landlords must provide the relevant authorities with information on the apartment and rent. If this is not done, a fine of up to 5,000 euros may be imposed.